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Green clay strips 2 X 5 m
Those strips are very usefull. They are made of clay and vegetable cellulose, you can use it on a little open wound or a sprain as a urgent care or use it at as a holder of a poultice or plaster. In fact it allow the poultice to stay on the affected area without spreading over. You just have to smoothly wet them and apply them on the afected area.
Typo: | Arcilla |
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Typo | Arcilla |
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The size of 5m by 8.5 cm makes it very practical and allow it to serve for a long time. The material used to build it is soft and very easy to cut with the fingers and you can store it for a long time without losing quality. It is wise to always have one at hand in the car or in the back pack, to cure rapidly any little wounds or pain.
Ingredients: Illite green clay and 100 % plant based cellulose.
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