Argiletz Illite green clay poultice

How to make it ?


Clay preparation

Put the amount of desired clay in a wooden, glass or ceramic bowl. Pour mineral water over the clay, enough so that it covers the clay and is 1 cm past the clay. Let the water and the clay rest for about 1-2 hours (the more time, the better), without stirring or touching. After, stir the clay and water with a wooden spoon until it is a homogeneous mixture. You can add water if the mixture is too dry, and add clay is the mixture is too liquidy. The mixture should be thick. It is now ready for use!

Application of the poultice

Determine the zone of pain. With the help of a wooden spoon, place a large quantity of clay on the affected area. The poultice should be at least 1 cm thick.

Place one to two pieces of paper towels over your poultice to help with easy taking off and clean up of the poultice. Alternatively you can also cover the poultice with a large rag and close with a pin. If you do not have a pin or a way to close the poultice, you can use the Argile clay strips, which have clay already on them, t are easy to cut, and designed to hold the poultices together with little mess.

You can leave the poultice 1 to 3 hours. In the case of intense pain, you can leave the poultice overnight. However, make sure that your poultice is thick enough to stay humid all night. Do not let it dry out.


Once your treatment is finished, the skin must be cleaned. Take as much of the clay off using a paper towel. You can actually throw this out in your compost if you have one. Fill a big bowl with warm or cold water. You will also need a wash cloth. Clean the skin with the wash cloth and water. You can also wash the clay off in the shower. Dry with a towel. You should then hydrate the skin by applying a hydrating lotion, oil, essential oil, or an ointment that will reinforce the effects of the clay.

You can repeat the application of the poultice as frequently as needed, until the pain or the symptom is gone.

In the case that the treatment is for an injury or a wound, and you are still feeling pain. you may want to do another poultice right away. Simply use the paper towel to wipe access clay, and reapply. If the clay from the prior treatment sticks to the skin, leave it on, it means that the treatment is still working.  


Never use metal or plastic to handle the clay

Never use tap water (filled with chemicals). Use mineral water instead.

Never let the clay dry (that is why it is important the your poutices are thick.

Do not cover the clay with plastic film, or anything. The Clay needs to breath.

When preparing, leave the clay and water 2-3 hours or even overnight with out touching. Less than an hour is not enough. Make sure that you have plently of time before preparing the mixture.

Never drink the clay with castor or prafin oil, it hardens like cement in the intestines.

Clay characteristics

Clay is 100% natural. Though its use seems complicated, it does not stain nor damage pipes.

It is a dieuretique. For your confort, we advise you to use the bathroom before each poultice.

Clay has zero side effects and does not trigger any allergic reactions. It is compatible with the majority of chemical treatments. Although, it does absorb reminants of medications and therefore may be better to use in between medications.